Book 3

The third and final book in the trilogy reveals unforgivable betrayal and murder, as shocking family secrets unravel in this psychological thriller set with a backdrop of various Australian landscapes.

Amber Taylor is a rising star.  She had dreamed that their talent and hard-working manager, Damon, would propel her partner – Glen, her best friend – Maddie and herself into the spotlight as a world class band. But the singing trio’s success and image are shackled to a series of dark murders. Fingers point to Amber being seriously unbalanced, with even those that know her the best her suspecting the worse.  Protesting her innocence, she retreats from public life and seeks refuge by moving with Glen to a beautiful old house in the Blue Mountains. Amber fights to clear her name but once again darkness shadows her every move and Amber fears for her sanity when she discovers the malevolent history of her new home.  

In a desperate attempt to distance herself from the looming accusations and insinuations, she is convinced to go on tour with the band to the Northern Territory. Amber’s world opens up as Maddie goes walkabout in Australia’s Top End and reconnects with her Aboriginal roots.  But just when everything seems be back on track, the accusations point to Amber once again, and the killing continues.

A devastated and grieving Amber seeks solace with family back in her childhood home at Manna Mallee – a remote family property bordering Ku-ring-gai Chase Sydney.  It is here that Amber learns about the family secrets and the legacy that has followed her – trusting the wrong person can have deadly consequences but she’s determined to know the truth.